Cody Decker
has a shot at making the Royals' opening-day roster (3/26/2016)" width="550" height="436" srcset="http://www.jewishbaseballnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/decker-opening.jpg 906w, http://www.jewishbaseballnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/decker-opening-120x95.jpg 120w, http://www.jewishbaseballnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/decker-opening-300x238.jpg 300w, http://www.jewishbaseballnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/decker-opening-768x609.jpg 768w, http://www.jewishbaseballnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/decker-opening-900x713.jpg 900w" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px" /> Cody Decker has a shot at making the Royals’ opening-day roster (MLB.com, 3/26/2016)By Scott Barancik, Editor
When the Kansas City Royals invited newcomer Cody Decker to attend Spring Training, there was little doubt the 29-year-old prankster, social-media wiz, amateur film critic, and self-styled”Antihero” would make friends easily. But make the opening-day roster? Unlikely.
The competition remains fierce, and the odds steep. Despite emerging from the San Diego Padres’ farm system as its all-time minor-league home run king, the UCLA alum has scant Major League experience. His only test to date: a late-season call-up in 2015, during which he went 0-for-11 at the plate.
But the self-assured utility man — he’s dating pin-up-babe-come-comedian Jenn Sterger — has reportedly captured the interest of Royals manager Ned Yost both with his bat and his glove. Decker is hitting .275 this Spring, with 3 home runs (here’s video of #3), 7 RBIs, and a .362 on-base percentage.
Chances of charming his teammates? 100%. Just check out this video of Decker and several other Royals discussing their walk-up song options.
As for a roster slot, we’ll know soon enough. Kansas City makes its season debut this Sunday, April 3, against the Mets.
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